From: The Dean
Date: September 24, 2020 (5:50pm)
Subject: Advisory update from PLDT
The updated advisory from PLDT is reassuring in that it tells us that customers will be served "at full capacity" during the maintenance work. Based on this assurance, I'm quite hopeful that we will not lose connectivity. Let's hope for the best but prepare for the worst. The maintenance work will start on Saturday, not Friday as originally announced.
Domingo M. Navarro
From: The Dean
Date: September 24, 2020 (3:00pm)
Subject: PLDT Maintenance Work
Our students who depend on PLDT for their internet connection might experience some difficulty in connecting from September 25 to September 30 because of maintenance work scheduled by PLDT and Smart on those days. We will have to hold online classes just the same as we cannot afford to lose more class days. We can just ask the school to record the meetings on those dates and make the recordings available later on to those who are unable to connect. If the professor is the one unable to connect, then he/she can just record his/her lecture and email the same to the school which will then ensure that the same is made available to the students. Absences will be considered as EXCUSED for those students who are unable to connect.
Domingo M. Navarro
