Alumni Roster by Batch (1932 to current year) Link is under construction
Arellano Alumni Pledge
The Arellano Alumni Pledge is made on the date of graduation where they are likewise automatically inducted as regular members of the Arellano University School of Law Alumni Association. The recitation of the pledge is generally led by the President of the Alumni Association.
It is noteworthy to recall and reaffirm the pledge made that reinforces the convictions and advocacies of one who is committed to the law.
Arellano Alumni Pledge of Allegiance
I, _____________ a member of the Arellano School of Law Alumni Association so solemnly pledge my allegiance to the organization.
I shall faithfully and conscientiously support and defend its Articles and By-laws.
I obligate myself to cooperate actively in all its activities and hereby offer my mental and physical capabilities to its causes.
I voluntarily commit to this duty without reservation or purpose of evasion.
So help me God.
Updated Alumni Information Sheet
You may download the updated form of the Alumni Information Sheet. After completing the form, you may send back to the Alumni Affairs Office at the Arellano Law Complex. There are three (3) ways: submit accomplished hard copy; fax the form through tel. no. 8521-4691; or scan the document and email back to any of the following:
Your expeditious response to this call will greatly help us build our alumni database which is critical to establish and strengthen the alumni network.
Alumni Affairs Office
In keeping with the development of legal education, the Admissions Office and Alumni Affairs Office was merged to form the Admissions and Alumni Affairs Office (AAAO). It currently holds office at the ground floor of the Administration Building across the Review Room with business hours from 9am through 8pm Monday thru Sunday. All alumni email queries are entertained at any of the following:
The AAAO is part of the AUSL administrative organization and works closely with the Arellano Law Alumni Association to proactively support all of its alumni. Its official functions include but not limited to:
Job Placement in public and private institutions and firms;
Events organization, monitoring and assistance to activate the alumni association;
Image building for the school and its alumni; and,
Public relations through the use of multi-media to promote the interests of the school and its alumni.
Alumni are enjoined to drop by the AAAO especially for the purpose of updating their information sheets and establishing the much needed connections.
Objectives and Services
With respect to Alumni Affairs, the following thrusts and plan of action include:
Establish an effective network and communications system with members through the database generated from the alumni information sheet. An alumni master list is currently being prepared to address requests for an effective legal and social networking among the members and its associates.
Conduct surveys and forums to stimulate communication and feedback to further improve alumni services.
Organize regular events as an effective networking venue such as sports and leisure, medical missions, legal clinics and forums, tours and travel as well as coffee table reunions and gatherings. This may include partnering with members for fund raising activities for the benefit of the association or some particular cause or institution.
Issue various cards such as the Alumni Card (including library research use), Privilege Cards (bar materials), Benefits Cards (i.e. medical and dental assistance).
Job Placement and Matching. For this purpose, postings and requests for job opening and placement may be coursed through the AAAO.
Innovations and Projects
The AAAO will work with alumni officers and members to initiate the groundwork and hopefully see the fruition of the following:
Alumni Lounge at the Arellano Law Complex for legal and social networking.
Joint venture projects with the Center for Legal Education and Research, AL Legal Aid, AL Law Advocacy Center and other school organizations for continuing legal educations and service.
Business centers and/or common facilities and services center especially for practicing Chiefs.
Negotiate special terms and rates which may include credit facility, health and insurance benefits, accommodations and travel perks, and such other packages or arrangements for the benefit or the alumni and his/her dependents.
Branding the Law Chief as a premiere mark.
Alumni Cards
There are several cards that may be issued to the members:
Arellano Law Alumni Card - The Arellano Law Alumni Card is your personal and non-transferable alumni identification. With the Alumni Card, active members shall gain access to the following privileges:
Access to the AUSL campus and Law library.
Discounts on Mandatory Continuing Legal Education seminars being offered by the Center for Legal Education and Research.
15-minute internet access at the Admissions and Alumni Affairs Office.
Library-borrowing privileges after paying a bond of Php1,000.
Active members are those who have no arrears and updated payment of their association dues.
New Graduates |
? |
Renewal/Lost/Old Graduates |
? |
? |
Lifetime Membership |
Regular |
? |
Senior (Ages 70 & above) |
(? are under study)
Privilege Card - The Arellano Law Foundation Privilege Card is especially designed for the alumni who intend to take the Bar Examinations. This entitles the holder to bar review materials released by the Bar Operations Commission. The Card is FREE to new graduates and also to any alumnus for a fee of Php____________ which is valid for only one(1) year.
Benefits Card - This is still under study but is intended to address negotiated special rates which may include credit facility, health and insurance benefits, accommodations and travel perks, and such other packages or arrangements for the benefit or the alumni and his/her dependents. In this regard, the AAAO will coordinate with the Alumni Association to formulate a short and long term program that will make the alumni proud of their membership. The benefits program will be reviewed and strengthened to show value added features and perks.
E-Forum for the Chiefs
Website activation and development, initially through the Alumni Affairs link in the main AUSL site and copied in the alumni association and the arellanolaw.org websites.
Communications will be established through the email addresses contained in the information sheet. Preference and behavioral feedback surveys should be developed to stimulate and encourage communications. The surveys will largely assist helping to develop the proper programs for the alumni. Note that while the websites is not capable of interactive connections, the Alumni Affairs will nonetheless assiduously attend to all replies and responses from the members as far as practicable.
The following email and web accounts have now been created as follows:
Continuous monitoring and update of the Alumni Affairs link.
An Alumni Affairs booth will be established at the Sheraton and at the 2009 bar site. Taking advantage of the month long event, the weekend booth (to be manned by staff and volunteers) will provide a venue for alumni members to update their membership and establish the much needed links to the office, school and association.
Announcements and Placement Postings
The AAAO has installed a bulletin board outside the office to accommodate special postings for current and future events as well as career opportunities which may be relevant to the Chiefs. All authorized postings may likewise be requested for upload in the Alumni website for general dissemination. The authorization may be secured from the Dean of the AAAO.
Chiefs' Special Feature
This section will feature special articles or legal papers contributed by alumni. Soft copies as well as hard copies should be submitted to the AAAO who will review and approve its posting in the appropriate alumni link.
Last update: July 1, 2022 